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You’re in the right place if you want to:
Feel better in your body and feel better in your mind
Have access to streaming yoga, Pilates, fitness, and movement therapy classes anytime, online, anywhere in the world
Strengthen, stretch, and balance your body safely
Become a better movement teacher
Be taught by an industry leader
Receive personalized attention to achieve your physical goals
Anytime anywhere
The Movement Therapy Company streaming site and private one-on-one sessions are your online service for yoga, Pilates, movement therapy, breath work, and meditation to achieve your physical goals. The mission is help you feel better in your body and mind - anywhere, and at any time, around the world.
Variety online classes
The streaming site has a library of yoga, Pilates, movement therapy, breath work, and meditation classes, along with Jamie’s Align and Refine Tutorials - workshops for curious students, movement teachers, and teachers in training.
New videos each month
The site works just like Netflix, and is organized by time, so there are classes as short as 10 minutes, and classes as long as 90 minutes. There are new classes added to each category, for various levels and abilities, each month.
something for everyone
You do not need to be an experienced “yoga person” or “fitness pro” to benefit from the site or online private sessions. You do however, simply need an internet connection and a willingness to feel better in your body and mind. All genders, body types and fitness levels encouraged to become part of this community.
In 2018, after Jamie had been teaching Yoga, Pilates and Movement Therapy for 20 years, it was time to bring these classes and Jamie’s years of experience, to her students across the globe, without Jamie having to get on a plane to do so! Hence, Movement Therapy Company was planned, and Jamie went all in.